Sunday, June 20, 2010

Relaxation, Meditation & Prayer--Point #2

Here's point #2 from Dr. Arnold Bresky's Brain Tune up System.

Relaxation, Meditation & Prayer

Relaxation, Meditation and Prayer—Chronic stress shrinks the hippocampus, the area of the brain associated with memory. It also produces cortisol, which blocks glucose from the brain. Deep breathing exercises relax both the mind and body.
Set aside time each day to breathe deeply and commune with your inner self and higher power.
This centers you and helps you deal with daily stresses.
However you choose to relate to your creative source, Dr. Bresky recommends you do so for a few minutes when you wake and before you retire.
When practiced, this point of the doctor’s program alone will dramatically improve your overall health and well-being, as well as your ability to think clearly.
By signing up for the Brain Tune Up® Clubhouse, you will have full access to Dr. Bresky’s 9 Pt. System including the latest scientific research and various methods to achieve Relaxation, Meditation & Prayer.
Sandra - Caregiver Guru for the Caregiver Generation

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