Sunday, June 27, 2010

Kindness -- Point #9

Here's Point #9 from Dr. Arnold Bresky's Brain Tune Up System.

Just as fun and laughter lifts our spirits, so do acts of kindness and generosity.

Take a few minutes during the course of each day to do something simple and kind for another.

You will not only make a positive impact in their life, but also your own.

Smile at a stranger who looks down, let a car in front of you on the freeway, give someone a sincere compliment.

Try it and see how performing simple acts of kindness improves your own mental outlook and disposition!

By signing up for the Brain Tune Up® Clubhouse, you will have full access to Dr. Bresky’s 9 Pt. System including the latest scientific research and ways to incorporate kindness into your everyday life.

I hope you've enjoyed these Brain Tune Ups, and find value in them. Also, it couldn't hurt to try them and see if you improve!

Sandra - Caregiver Guru for the Caregiver Generation

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