Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Attn: Caregivers of Elderly Relatives

Attn: Caregivers of Elderly Relatives

Did you know that according to The Natioal Alliance for Caregiving that there are 65.7 million caregivers in the U.S.?

This is 29% of the U.S. adult population and 31% of all U.S. households!

48.9 million caregivers are taking care of an adult and 3.9 million are taking care of a disabled child.

12.9 million care for both an adult and a disabled child.

41.9 million caregivers are women, while17 million men are taking care of an adult relative—usually their mother.

Are you the "designated caregiver" for your elderly relatives?

Do you often feel overwhelmed, frustrated, angry, and ashamed?

Are you afraid of not making the "right" decisions?

Do you question your judgment, and feel guilty no matter what you do?

Do you feel lonely and think no one understands what you're going through?

Are you torn between spending time with your spouse, your children, and the needs of your

Are you torn between your career and taking care of your parents?

Are you confused about levels of care, medical advance directives, and living arrangements?

In my latest book Baby Boomers--Sandwiched Between Retirement & Caregiving
I share everything I learned while caring for my mother and step-father (who were both in diapers), and from the experiences of hundreds of other caregivers with whom I worked in my practice as a psychologist.

I also added a thorough research of medical choices, legal jargon, living arrangements, assistance programs, and resources so that you'll have everything you need at your fingertips.

Plus, I have an entire section on how to prepare for retirement!

Smokie Sizemore will interview me regarding caregiving issues via telechat for Smart Womans Club The call in number is 1-218-862-1300 then enter 989912#.

Hope you will join us Tuesday, August 17, 2010 at 8:00PM ET (5:00PM PT).

I will also be giving away TWO gifts:
The Caregiver’s Emotional Quiz – 100 Emotions That May Shock You as a Caregiver and How to Feel Good About All of Them, and
The Elderly “Red Flag” Checklist-117 Warning signs That Your Elderly Loved One May Not be Safet Living alone.

Check out my new website:

Sandra - Caregiver Guru

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