Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Emotional Issues of the Caregiver

Happiness is a conscious choice, not an automatic response.
Mildred Barthel
Caring for elderly loved ones is often like being on an emotional roller coaster. The downside of that roller coaster might include frustration, anger, guilt, resentment, sadness, and depression, as well as feelings of helplessness and of being overwhelmed.
The upside might include feelings of honor, privilege, acceptance, joy, and peace. It is important to identify your feelings with a single word, as well as the thoughts behind them. Counter-productive and subtractive feelings are fear driven. Feelings do not have to be acted on.
The process of caregiving could go on for ten or twenty years, so careivers need to take care of themselves. Schedule downtime, eat healthy, exercise, get plenty of rest, have regular physical exams, and talk about your feelings with a trusted friend, family member, or professional. Find sources of help and assistance for your loved one and for you.
Sandra - Caregiver Guru for the Caregiver Generation

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