Saturday, July 3, 2010

31 Days to Millionaire Marketing Miracle$


I have just finished reading Tracy Repchuk's book: 31 Days to Millionaire Marketing Miracle$ (2009, InnerSurfPublishing). What an amazing piece of work!!!

If you've ever thought about getting into Internet Marketing, or just wondered how it all works--this book is for you!

After drinking deeply from the expansive and deep well of Internet Marketing Information, Tracy assimilated, synthesized and distilled the whole of it.

She then, regurgitated a complete manual that guides readers thru an otherwise complicated maze in a simple, easy to understand, interesting, and fun way.

And, if that were not awesome enough---she took this book from start to bestseller in 58 days!!

Having written and published two books, I am familiar with the amount of energy that goes into researching and writing. And, I cannot fathom the overwhelming task that Tracy undertook in this project.

I know Tracy personally and can attest that she is a genuine and sincere individual.

I highly recommend this book and anything Tracy Repchuk is associated with.

But, don't take my word for it. Go to, order this book today, and see for yourself if I have not actually understated the value of Tracy's accomplishment.

Here are several ways you might find out more information about Tracy and the awesome programs she offers:


Sandra - Caregiver Guru for the Caregiver Generation

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